Organize Support & Endorse means you can help us in many ways!

What it means to support, endorse or cosponsor. We are not at all corporate. What we need, is to get the word out to those who can and will help with ARLINGTON EAST. Hands, hearts, and yes, some money will make this happen.
Checks made out to
Veterans for Peace, Chapter 41,
Arlington East Fund
Duke Ellis
45 Sassafras Ln
Marstons Mills, MA 02648
This money will be deposited and is tax deductible. These may be given to anyone on committee. We have weekly meetings at Borders Books, Hyannis, MA 6:30 PM Wednesdays. Call anyone on committee for updates.
This weekend we need a few good man women and men with 2 in'' paint brushes, and gallons of white primer to paint 1200 markers at John Brewster Hopkin's barn in Truro, MA Route 6A, right after Whitman restaurant.
Call Veterans for Peace- Cape Cod Chapter
John Brewster Hopkins - 774-836-6403
Bill Stewart - 508-775-4045
Nancy Clarke - 508-385-8636
Duke Ellis - 508-420-5532
John Bangert - 508-432-0545
Contacts for CCP&J
Dianne Ashley - 508-255-2752
Diane Turco - 508-432-1744
John Bangert -508-432-0545 Cell: (508) 413-0142
Chuck Micciche -508-432-4757
Directions: just a reminder about painting grave markers this weekend, bring a 2" brush for latex, primer or white latex paint if you have any old usable cans at home, maybe a rag or two and paint clothes.
My Address: is 314 Route 6 at Augustus Construction sign right after great Hollow Road and the Whitman House Resturant eveything is set up in the barn. All day is okay for any amount of time you can do. 8am to 5 pm
John Brewster Hopkins
Gold Star Families Speak Out is a chapter of Military Families Speak Out, comprised of members whose loved ones served in the military during the period including the build-up to the war in Iraq (fall, 2002) to the present, and have been killed or have died. We believe the best way to support our troops is to bring them home now and to take care of them when they get here.
Recognizing our own and our nation's need to grieve, Gold Star Families Speak Out is the first place we seek to find peace in our hearts. All of us in this group have suffered a tremendous loss and our collective efforts to be heard can and will make a difference!
All of our stories are sad and all of them need to be told so people will understand the human cost of this war.
We are committed to truth and to bringing an end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq. We work together with like-minded organizations to build strong partnerships
Your support makes a huge difference and helps to bring the voices of Gold Star Families Speak Out to the country.
To schedule one of our speakers for interviews, speaking out at forums, rallies, workshops and other events, please visit the Members Page to contact one of our family members or send email to
Carlos' son & Melida's stepson, Lcpl Alexander Arredondo was killed in Najaf, Iraq on 8.25.04
Kevin & Joyce's son, Lcpl Jeffrey Lucey took his own life 6/22/04, after struggling with PTSD for several months.
Debbie's brother, Lcpl Jeffrey Lucey took his own life 6/22/04, after struggling with PTSD for several months.
(*)CELESTE ZAPPALA- Philadelphia, PA
Celeste's son, Sgt Sherwood Baker was killed in Baghdad, Iraq on 4.26.04
ALICE BROWN Military Families Speak Out
DUKE ELLIS Veterans for Peace - Cape Cod Chapter Chair-Host
Endorsements as of 10/06 this morning, - many more coming!
PS Party Larkin singer invited she lives in Wellfleet!
Diane Ashley, Cape Codders for Peace & Justice
Diane Turco, Cape Codders for Peace & Justice
David Agnew, Cape Codders for Peace & Justice
Sarah & Ben Thacher, Cape Codders for Peace & Justice
William "Duke" Ellis, Veterans for Peace, Cape Cod Chapter 41
Nancy E. Clarke Ph.D , Veterans for Peace Founder Smedley Butler Chapter, & Chapter 41
William Stewart ,VVAW, VFP Western Mass Chapter, and CC Chapter
Nina Teeper, Teacher Bourne, MA
Gail M. Bangert, Mother, Writer
John J. Bangert, Father, Veterans for Peace, Cape Cod Chapter 41, CCP&J
Joe Bangert, Veterans for Peace Smedley Butler, VVAW, VAIW, CCP&J
Appeared in Sir, No Sir, Winter Soldier
Anne Spear, Cape Codders for Peace & Justice
Code Pink Massachusetts
Debbie Mc Culloch RN, Nurse- Falmouth Hospital
Ken Farr -Veterans for Peace General Smedley Butler Chapter-Boston
Pat Scanlon- Veterans for Peace, North Shore Merrimack Valley
Winston Warfield,Veterans for Peace General Smedley Butler Chapter-Boston
Frank Corcoran,Veterans for Peace, Philadelphia Chapter 31
John Grant, Veterans for Peace King of Prussia Chapter, PA
John Beitzel, Veterans for Peace, Philadelphia, VVAW, Sir, No Sir!, Winter Soldier
Bill Perry, Veteran For Peace, Levittown, PA
Richard Gilchrist, VFP Chapter 56 Humboldt, CA
Veterans For America Delaware Valley, PA
Arlington North Philadelphia, PA 5/30/06
The Honorable Edward Mc Manus , Harwich Selectman
The Honorable Sarah Peake, Provincetown Select(wo)man
Carlos & Melida Arredondo, Gold Stars Families Speak Out- E-Mail:
Chuck Micciche, Cape Codders for Peace & Justice, Yarmouth Friends Meeting
Rev. Malcolm Mc Dowell, Priest - Christ Church Episcopal
Sheila House,Harwich
Capt. Jennifer Smith, Eastham Fire Depatment, Mother, College Student
Elaine Walsh, CCP&J,
Serena Walsh Student-Bridgewater State College
Sheila Lyons,Wellfleet Activist and Leader
The Martha's Vineyard Peace Council endorses VFP's Oct. 13th & 14th days of action.
Western Mass Jobs with Peace
Town of Dennis Democratic Town Committee Pat Bresnahan- Chair
Democratic Town Committee of Wellfleet, MA
Democratic Town Committee of Sandwich, MA
Democratic Town Committee of Provincetown, MA
Steve Morse, GI Rights (CCCO) and VFP Chapter 069.
Will Thomas Coordinator - "NH Veterans for Peace endorses Arlington East."Sow Justice, Reap Peace," AJ Muste Chapter NH VFP
Veterans for Peace -General Smedley Butler Brigade Chapter Boston
Traprock Peace Center, Sunny Miller Deerfield, MA
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
IVAW - Iraq Veterans Againist War
UUSC -UnitiarianUniversalist Service Committee
AFSC -American Friends Service Committee
Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee of Mass
Mainsheet CCCC Newspaper (Letter to the Editor)
EPIC-USA Education for Peace In Iraq
Eastham United Methodist Church Social Concerns Committee
Rev. Mike Davis Pastor, EUMC
The Nauset Interfaith Association voted to endorse Arlington East.
Rev. Mike Davis, Eastham United Methodist Church (Host for Pot Luck)
Rev. Larry Snow, Wellfleet United Methodist Church
Rev. Wesley Williams, Orleans United Methodist Church
Rev. Mark Wilkerson, Church of the Holy Spirit (Orleans Episcopal)
Rev. Michele Rogers-Brigham, Federated Church of Orleans
Rev. Mal Bertram, United Church of Christ (Retired)
Rev. Kent Moorehead, United Methodist (Church Retired)
Florence Seldin, Am Ha Yam Fellowship Hebrew Havurah Eastham
Rev. E. Bonnie Goodwin Minister, Christian Union Church, North Truro, MA
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